6 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Ron Reid

    It was great to hear from you John. What an excitiing and distinguished career – but I always knew you were bright along with a great personality. I retired from my CPA practice about 4 years ago – and now keep busy with volunteering, walking our lab (4 years old and still a puppy) and golf. Every so often I think of you and Ken Johnson – great guys to gow up with. A very impressive sculpture – so many talents. Do you ever hear from any of the others in our group?

    Take care and continue to live a long and healthy life.


  2. Dick Moore

    Well, I gotta tell you I’m impressed. I knew you had a wonderful future ahead of you, but you far surpassed my expectations. You would have made Doc. proud, as I’m sure you did Furnish, Hoppin, et al. I couldn’t help but notice, however, that your work through the years always seemed to take you to the most beautiful and romantic spots on earth. Aren’t there geologic problems begging to be solved in places like the Sahara, the Gobi desert, and Death Valley? At any rate, congratulations on a wonderful career.
    On another matter, Phi Omega Phi will celebrate its 100th birthday party next year and I have been involved in some of the planning. I may need to have some personal and interesting information concerning our first president. I suspect you might know a little about him.
    Greetings to Carol. Hope we run into you one of these days. You may know that we sold our cabin on Elbow Lake after 35 years vacationing there. We miss it very much but the work got to be a little much.

    Best Wishes,

  3. Kathleen Warren

    Dr. Palmquist,
    This is a fabulous summary of your career as a geologist and Professor. As a student of yours for 4 years in the 1980’s, I knew some of these things about you. But really?!? You make geology look like the coolest career path in the world. You make me want to go back out in the field.
    Take care,
    Kathleen (Plummer) Warren

  4. John Warme

    John, nice bio; fun to read. Thanks for the pic of the pile of stones; still can stop, huh?

    Please send me your email.


  5. Patrick S. Freeman

    Dr. Palmquist: Thinking of you the other day, I googled and found your site. Congratulations on a great career. You sparked my interest as a geology student at Monmouth in 1964 and I recently retired as well. Thanks to you, I had a wonderful career in mine geology, exploration and management. Andrea and I are still together and live in New Mexico.

    Best Wishes, Pat Freeman

  6. Ken Van Dellen


    I was one of your students in the 1965 NSF-KU geology field camp at Canon City. Currently, I’m working on a comprehensive book on Michigan geology, and my picking of the brains of fellow geologists for information led me to John Hughes. (I have now acquired a good, used copy of your Door Peninsula book with his Whitefish channel paper.) John and I are conniving to pursuade someone to get underwater photographs of the delta.

    Ken Van Dellen, Emeritus Professor of Geology, Macomb Community College, Michigan (No longer at that address)


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