
A region in northern Spain that is traditionally distinct from the rest of the Spain.  Itself an independent kingdom until it was conquered by Ferdinand of Aragon and assimilated into the Kingdom of Spain, Navarre (and most of Northern Spain) was historically unique from the peninsula, especially the south, because of the very short period under which it was controlled by the Moors.  Though Pamplona was captured in 714—and functioned as the headquarters of Abd-al-Rahman during the Islamic invasion of Gaul—the Muslims retreated further south, to central and southern Spain, after their defeat at the Battle of Tours in 732.  Because of the brief Moorish presence in Navarre, the region was considered to be a Christian stronghold during the Reconquista.  Compared to the central and southern regions of Iberia—former Al-Ándalus—there was little Jewish presence and no morisco tradition, hence there was no significant New Christian community after 1492.  Therefore, the term Navarrese in the context of the Complicity can be considered to be synonymous with Old Christian.

Bard, Rachel. Navarra: The Durable Kingdom. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1982.