Spanish 577 Space as Text

Course Description

A geocritical analysis of the role of space and borders in contemporary literature. We will examine the critical theory on the topic and apply those insights to texts mainly from or about Latin American and the Atlantic regions. We will include spatial representations from the visual arts and films.

Examining diverse regions, times, and cultural movements, through an interdisciplinary, and internationally-oriented approach, are themes present in Lawrence’s mission.

The course is taught in Spanish as a lecture/discussion and includes students’ presentations, class debates and informal conversations.

Units: 6.
Prerequisite: One 400-level course in Spanish or consent of instructor

Goals and Objectives

•           Literary: The student will be able to give evidence in Spanish of having read the selections and acquired knowledge about the characteristics of the major genres and works of Atlantic literature in Spanish covered in the course. Students are expected to become conversant on the ways in which critical theories can be used to read texts, both literary and visual, relating those theories and texts to a given topic, space in our case.

•           Historical: The student will be able to demonstrate that he/she can make connections between the literary works read and the historic-political context in which they were written.

•           Linguistic: Language skills will be reinforced through lectures, discussions, essays, journals, and exams

•           Cultural: The students will be able to give evidence of their knowledge of Latin American and Spanish culture. This knowledge will foster in the students a new awareness and appreciation of values different from their own. The exposure to other cultures and ways of interpreting the world will also entail a new awareness of the students’ own culture.

The class works as a flip class. Students are responsible for reading the material ahead of time and completing the Cornell notes; in class, we will review the texts and answer questions about the readings.


3 (three) absences are allowed during the term; each absence in excess of 3 will lower your participation grade / score by 10% percentage points each. Tardiness (being late) will be treated as 1/2 absence each time and will affect the participation score.

 Final Grades


A         100-93                                                  C+        79-78

A-        92-90                                                    C          77-73

B+        89-88                                                    C-        72-70

B          87-83                                                    D+       69-68

B-        82-80                                                    D         67-63

D-        62-60

F          59 and Below