Lawrence Academic Resources | Tech Videos | Text to speech AI generator |
Ver-Taal | AP Units Sra. Carmen | Dreaming Spanish |
Senora G AP Units | Best SPAN Websites | Inclusive teaching |
Rocio Serrano | Claudia Larrotta | Veinte Mundos Library |
Sra. Sebastian | La clase de Elle | Chronas |
Authentic Materials | | |
TV | Icebrakers for online instruction | News | Live and archived television from Spain | Interactive presentations | Newsela | News from a European perspective | Ciencia en español | News in Slow Spanish |
France 24 (En castellano) | Viajes an America Latina | Nine Squares Reading activity |
Antena 3 (Spain) | | Reading |
VMeTV | Videos y Cine | Clarin (Argentina) |
Univision | Make own videos | La Nacion (Argentina) |
Servicio de Televisión de las Naciones Unidas | Peliculas en castellano | El Pais (España) |
Edunovela: telenovelas editadas para todos los niveles | Realia Project | Diarios Latinoamericanos |
Costa Rica TV | Screen recorder Casting | Diarios y Revistas argentinos |
| Las voces de las mujeresde Xelaju | CNN en español |
| Spanish proficiency exercices | Multimedia de las Naciones Unidas |
| Audio exercices | BBC en español |
Podcasts y Radio | Voice Thread | LANIC |
Notes in Spanish Podcasts | Videos autenticos | Guia Repsol (Spain) |
Duolingo Spanish Podcast | filminute | Digitalia |
Radio de España | Simon’s Cat videos | Thepaperboy |
Radio TV Española | Animaker Videos for education | Prensa Escrita |
Audiria. Español con Audiotextos | FlipGrid | New York Times en español |
Mas Voces | | Border Video NYT |
Notes in Spanish | Mapas | |
Radio Naciones Unidas | 40 maps | Presentaciones |
Estudio Abierto | U.S. Territorial Maps 1775-1920 | Slide Share |
Radioteca | National Geographic en Español | AuthorStream |
Batanga Radio | Historical Maps | Prezi |
Radio Ambulante | Virtual Travels | Prezi for education |
iVox | South America Interactive map | Biblioteca Digital Puertorriqueña |
University of Toronto materials | Technology and Pedagogy tools | |
Radio Mitre (Argentina) | | Tablas e Infografías |
68 Voces (Mexico) | Voice / Audio | Amy Lenord Pinterest |
Lyrics training | Voice Translator | Statista |
Podcast ONU | Natural Reader | Como hacer tablas para la clase |
Audio Libros | Slido | Infografías en español |
Radios del mundo | Online Voice Recorder: Vocaroo | Charts on languages |
| (imagenes gratis) | Top 10 Sites for Creating Charts |
| Kaltura (video projects) | NEH Culture site |
Latino/Hispanic/Spanish Studies | | StoryMaps |
Latino Chamber of Commerce Wisconsin | | |
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Milwaukee | Latin American Studies | Miscellaneous |
Latino Photography Jose Galvez | Council on Hemispheric Affairs | Timers |
Latino Recovery Project | Princeton Lat Am Studies | / Fakebook ** |
LatinoAmericans PBS Series | CLASP (Consortium for Latin American Studies Programs) | |
Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies | Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. UW Milwaukee | UDL Guidelines |
King: I have a dream Lecture | Panoramas (U of Pittsburgh) | Kaizena: Instant feedback |
| Chinese in Havana | Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) |
Educational Apps | | Embedded Reading |
Scanner Pro Scan and edit with phone | Educational Apps | Universal Design for Learning |
Nearpod Create, engage, and assess through mobile devices | Quizizz (Free Quizes) | |
Office Lens Converts images to PDF, Word and PowerPoint files | Create Animated Videos | Formative Assessment |
FluentU | GimKit (games) | Polleverywhere |
Explain Everything | Real Time Board | Kahoot |
Animaker allows a user to generate voice over from texts (text to speech conversion software) | Tynyscanner Scan with your phone | Socrative |
| Edpuzzle Pick a video, add your touch, and track students’ understanding | Mentimeter |
| Padlet Create and collaborate | Gosoapbox |
| | Testmoz |
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